Toe Fusion NOT for you?

Have you been told that you need a toe fusion? Although it can provide excellent pain control, a fusion is considered a procedure of last resort for patients with a sedentary lifestyle because it eliminates all toe movement, making it especially difficult or impossible for women who want to wear high heels. It may also […]

Mechanic finds success with Stemless Total Shoulder

Jeff is a full time Mechanic who resides in Columbus, OH. For the past 15 years, he suffered from severe pain in his right shoulder. Not only did Jeff have trouble performing daily tasks, such as applying deodorant or putting on a belt, but the pain in his shoulder began affecting his work. He couldn’t […]

ToeMotion Modular Toe is Now Available!

More than 1 million people over the age of 50 are affected by arthritis in the big toe joint (aka the metatarsal phalangeal “MTP” joint). Hallux rigidus is a progressive disease and one of the mostcommon forms of arthritis in the big toe. This disease often results in pain, stiffness and enlargement of the joint. […]

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