We’re very excited to introduce our newest patient testimonial, Rudy Kadlub, who opted for bilateral OVO Stemless Total Shoulder implants with Inlay Glenoids!
Currently, Rudy is the co-owner of Kabuki Strength in Clackamas, OR and is a competitive, World Record Powerlifter. Rudy originally injured both of his shoulders playing football in college. For years he endured and pushed through the pain all to avoid the dreaded shoulder replacement surgeries. Despite his continued shoulder pain, Rudy began powerlifting at the age of 55 and holds over 30 world records. While powerlifting became a way of life for him, it also further complicated his shoulder issues.
Not wanting to deal with the pain and embarrassment any longer, he visited his local orthopaedic surgeon who recommended that he make an appointment with Dr. Anthony Miniaci. After flying across the country for his appointment with Dr. Miniaci, they decided that the OVO Stemless Total Shoulder system with Inlay Glenoid was the best option for Rudy. With no activity restrictions, this system is especially geared toward patients who don’t want to lose the mobility that they would with typical total shoulder replacements.
In 2016 he received his right shoulder implant first. Just 6 months later, Rudy got his left shoulder implant done. After rehabbing both shoulders, his range of motion was completely restored. He started competing just 6 months after his second surgery! Just one year after receiving his implants he set 4 new world records. Now 2 years post-surgery Rudy is feeling great and is very thankful for the implants which allowed him to get back to his life.
Rudy writes great a blog about powerlifting. In there, he also wrote articles on his decision to go through with the OVO surgery as well as updates on his recovery process. Check it out here!
Watch Rudy’s full patient testimonial below.