Give Your Joints Some Love This Winter

Punxsatawney Phil, the groundhog didn’t see his shadow and is heralding an early spring! There’s a collective sigh of relief as we anticipate the arrival of warmer weather this spring. However, even as we count down the days, it’s important to remember that the tail end of winter can still be tough on our bodies, […]

You Said “Yes” to Joint Replacement Surgery. Now What?

After putting it off for some time, you finally decided to schedule your joint replacement surgery. Your research pointed you to a surgeon experienced with joint preservation techniques who’s deemed you a good candidate. Compared to traditional total joint replacement, anatomic total joint replacement has several advantages: It is minimally invasive It conserves as much […]

Know the Facts for National Arthritis Awareness Month

Every May, as we observe National Arthritis Awareness Month, the urgency to address and understand osteoarthritis has never been greater. Recent findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 reveal that osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, already affects 15% of the global population over the age of 30. With current trends, this number is […]

Joint Pain and Cold Weather Don’t Have to Halt Winter Running

It’s winter and much of the US is experiencing below average temperatures. Your game plan for getting through the long, cold days is to train for spring road races, maybe even the Boston Marathon. But the cold weather can aggravate joint pain and you’ve just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in your knees. You fear that’s […]

Alternatives to Total Joint Replacement

Perhaps over-the-counter pain medications no longer ease your knee pain. Maybe the days of hoisting your grandchild on to your shoulders, her favorite perch, are over. And unfortunately, that complaining knee has finally put the kibosh on skiing and running. For many chronic joint pain sufferers, total joint replacement may seem inevitable, but there are […]

Golfer with shoulder pain

Considering a Joint Replacement? Explore Joint Preservation Instead!

Do you suffer from joint pain and arthritis? You are not alone! Each year, millions of people turn to a traditional total joint replacement (TJR) believing it is their only option to alleviate pain, but in some cases the pain remains post-surgery and range of motion is restricted. Joint Preservation, an ideal alternative to traditional total […]

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