Give Your Joints Some Love This Winter

Punxsatawney Phil, the groundhog didn’t see his shadow and is heralding an early spring! There’s a collective sigh of relief as we anticipate the arrival of warmer weather this spring. However, even as we count down the days, it’s important to remember that the tail end of winter can still be tough on our bodies, […]

An older woman with joint pain takes time to stretch on her yoga mat.

Reduce Joint Pain One Day at a Time

For many people with arthritis or joint pain, breaking down a new routine over the week can be easier to absorb. Think of these things as miniature moments in your day, instead of grandiose goals for your week or month.

An older couple practices self-care by making a healthy dinner.

5 Tips for Self-Care During the Most Wonderful (and Stressful) Time of Year

Practicing self-care doesn’t just improve your mental health but affects you physically as well. According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, self-care can reduce your chances of developing heart disease, stroke, and cancer. A national survey also found that Americans reported improved self-confidence, increased productivity, and greater happiness when they were actively engaging in […]

An older man looks at the view through binoculars while standing on a scenic hilltop.

Hiking with Grace: How to Conquer the Trails Despite Joint Pain

Hiking comes with fresh air, beautiful views, and many physical benefits. Going on regular hikes will not only satisfy the explorer in you but can also help strengthen your muscles and bones, improve your balance and cardiac health, and can even decrease your risk of developing respiratory disease.

5 Ways to Move More this Spring

This spring, consider making the commitment to yourself to get outside more often. These 5 simple ways to move more can help you ditch your winter blues while creating a new exercise routine.

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